Fine Arts

Teacher Courses

Bolling, Meghan Art 2, Art 3, Art 4/5

Dyck, Alyssa Art 1, Art 2

Emanuel, Megan Advanced Acting, Public Speaking, Theater 1/2

Ferguson, Kaydan Tech Theater 1/2

Ruiz, Mario AP Music Theory, Concert Band, Music Appreciation, Symphonic Band

Shuler, Don Ceramics

Wescoat, Rebecca Chorus 1/2, Vocal Ensemble


Course Offerings


Art I

Art I is an introductory art course designed to foster understanding, enjoyment, and use of art in everyday living. Emphasis is placed on the elements of art and the principles of design using various art techniques and materials to create two-dimensional and three- dimensional art works. Students will engage in drawing, painting, crafts, sculpture, and/or graphic arts to express ideas and create images. They will prepare and display their artwork as part of the artistic process.

Art II

Art II is an intermediate art course for students who desire to continue to develop their artistic abilities. Instruction is designed to improve their skills, creativity, vocabulary, imagination, and artistic growth. Focus on is art history and the use of that knowledge of artists, styles, movements, and cultures as inspiration to create art works. Students will begin to use technology and electronic media as artistic tools. They will prepare and display their artwork as part of the artistic process.


Art III continues to emphasize the development of abilities and skills in creating works of art using an expanded range of art media and processes. Advanced study and instruction in drawing and painting styles, theories, and techniques are emphasized. Career opportunities in the field of art through specific job related projects in the areas of advertising, fashion design, and illustration are explored. Students use technology to create and manipulate images. Selected works of art are added to a portfolio of their best products that can be used for exhibition and career opportunities.

Art IV

Art IV affords students the opportunity to develop a personal direction in the production of their art work with a possible concentration in an area of interest. The course is designed to enable students to develop skill, confidence, and commitment and to demonstrate an advanced level of performance. The culmination is a display of work students have produced throughout their high school art program.


Chorus I

Chorus I is designed to develop the student’s vocal abilities. Areas covered in music include developing the voice, understanding musical terms, training the ear for listening, singing in harmony with the group, and learning basic choreography for specific selections. Chorus is a performance oriented group of mixed voices organized to give singers training in a variety of vocal forms and styles. Singers will perform an assigned vocal part in unison and in simple harmony. The overall goal is to enable students to be able to read their part in choral music and to be able to perform music in an appropriate style.

Chorus II

This course forms an intermediate level chorus ensemble for men and women with good singing skills. Students will continue to develop and improve their singing techniques (breath control, posture, diction, tone production), as well as their sight-reading skills. Preparation of music for performance (of moderate difficulty, and mostly in three and four part settings) is a major course objective. Participation in concerts and various programs and extra rehearsals (as needed) are required. There are special dress requirements for concert appearances.

Vocal Ensemble

Any studentin grades 9-12 who has prior musical experience or who is invited to participate may audition for this class. Students in the class rehearse daily to prepare to perform a demanding level of music. Written work includes a story of music theory and history. Students are encouraged, but not required, to participate in district, regional, and state events.

